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Saturday, March 31, 2007

I hate how we compare ourselves

"There is also the seeping of self-doubt into everyday consciousness, a subtle feeling of inadequacy that smothers one's activities with an uneasy sense of impending emptiness...For as we incorporate others into ourselves, so does the range of what we feel a 'good,' 'proper,' or 'exemplary' person should be....Each moment is enveloped in the guilt born of all that was possible but now foreclosed." Kenneth J. Gergen in The Saturated Self.

I feel this so much. The constant comparison with people around me. The constant feeling I"m behind in life, that I"m not where I should be or who I should be. The result of the new possibilities for interaction modernity has brought about....?

Friday, March 02, 2007

Everyone loves an inspiring story....

My friend wrote me about this story that happened to her the other day.

"When I drove back to school today there was a hill of compact snow in the middle of my parking lot so my car got stuck on it. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to move. These two young asian girls that work in the Chinese restaurant that my parking lot is behind came out with shovels. We couldn't get it though! Eventually three guys joined us: a friend of the girls, a delivery boy, and a random guy that I think works at another restaurant. So there were 6 of us working to get my car to move. They stood out there with me for an hour trying to help me. It just made me feel so good about the world. A dozen people walked by without even offering help and yet there were these 6 people that didn't give up on my little car! :) I wish I could repay them for all their help. I thanked them profusely and just ordered some flowers to be delivered to their restaurant tomorrow. Anyway, I thought it was a sweet story even though it was an exhausting hour."

Like I told her, I like this story because I think it shows such vulnerability on the part of all the people who helped her.....u know inspiring for me to want to do the same and all that...... :)